Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
1Iron ore tailings valorization through separate characterization and upgradation of different tailings streams of an Iranian iron ore processing plantAli Behnamfard,Reza ArjmandEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research2023
2ارزیابی پتانسیل تولید زهاب اسیدی باطله های کارخانه فرآوری مجتمع سنگ آهن سنگانعلی بهنام فرد,اسماعیل خفاجه,رسول علائیعلوم و تکنولوژی محیط زیست2020
3روشهای نوین دفن پسماندهای جامد عملیات استخراج و فرآوری مواد معدنی با تاکید بر تکنولوژی دفن همزمانعلی بهنام فرد,سلمان قاسمیانسان و محیط زیست2019
4کارآیی نانورس هیدروکسید دوگانه لایه ای (Mg/Al) سنتز شده در حذف یون سیانید ازمحلول های ساختگی و واقعیعلی بهنام فرد,سپیده جوانشیر,رسول علائیمهندسی معدن2019
5بررسی کارایی مدارهای جدایش مغناطیسی واحدهای 2 و 6 مجتمع سنگ آهن سنگانمحمد مسینائی,علی بهنام فرد,اسماعیل خفاجهمهندسی منابع معدنی2018
6بررسی کارایی مدارهای جدایش مغناطیسی واحدهای 2 و 6 مجتمع سنگ‌آهن سنگانمحمد مسینائی,اسماعیل خفاجه,علی بهنام فردمهندسی منابع معدنی2017
7Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for prediction of dissolved oxygen concentration in the gold cyanide leaching processAli Behnamfard,muhammad rivazInternational Journal of Mining And Geo-Engineering2022
8Model development for prediction of autogenous mill power consumption in the Sangan iron ore processing plantAli Behnamfard,davoud nemaei roudiInternational Journal of Mining And Geo-Engineering2022
9Flocculation behavior of ultrafine quartz and magnetite as main mineral components of iron ore tailingsAli Behnamfard,Reza ArjmandIranian Journal of Chemical Engineering2021
10Removal of xanthate from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto untreated and acid/base treated activated carbonsAli Behnamfard,Mohammad Mehdi Salarirad,Francesco VeglioDesalination and Water Treatment2021
11The performance improvement of a full-scale autogenous mill by setting the feed ore propertiesAli Behnamfard,davoud nemaei roudi,Francesco VeglioJournal of Cleaner Production2020
12Treatment of gold ore cyanidation wastewater by adsorption onto a Hydrotalcite-type anionic clay as a novel adsorbentSepideh Javanshir,Ali BehnamfardJournal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering2020
13Reprocessing of Sangan iron ore tailings by flotationAli Behnamfard,Reza ArjmandJournal of Mininig and Environment2019
14Improving flocculation and dewatering performance of iron tailings thickenersMohammad Massinaei,Ali BehnamfardJournal of Water Process Engineering2019
15Estimation of xanthate decomposition percentage as a function of pH, temperature and time by least squares regression and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systemAli Behnamfard,Francesco VeglioInternational Journal of Mining And Geo-Engineering2019
16Characterization of Sangan low-grade iron ore and its processing by dry low-intensity magnetic separationAli BehnamfardInternational Journal of Mining And Geo-Engineering2019
17The effect of thermal and acid treatment of kaolin on its ability for cyanide removal from aqueous solutionsAli Behnamfard,Francesco VeglioEnvironmental Earth Sciences2019
18(Removal of free cyanide from aqueous solutions by pine cone scale (PCSAli Behnamfard,Francesco VeglioDesalination and Water Treatment2019
19Beneficiation of a low-grade iron ore by combination of wet low-intensity magnetic separation and reverse flotation methodsAli BehnamfardJournal of Mininig and Environment2019
20Estimation of coal proximate analysis factors and calorific value by multivariable regression method and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)Ali BehnamfardInternational Journal of Mining And Geo-Engineering2017
Showing 1-20 of 20 items.