Multiresolution wavelet coarseningand analysis of transport in heterogeneous media

AuthorsFatemeh Ebrahimi,Muhammad Sahimi
JournalPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Page number160-188
Serial number316
Volume number1
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2002
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexJCR،Scopus


Modelingtransport in a disordered medium with broadly distributed and correlated heterogeneities has been hampered by the fact that a very large set of equations must be solved if the heterogeneities are distributed over several distinct length scales. We recently proposed a novel method based on the application of wavelet transformations (Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 4385) that can be used for simulation of transport processes in such disordered media. In this paper, we extend the method so as to be able to study transport in two classes of highly heterogeneous media that are otherwise very di3cult to simulate, namely, disordered anisotropic media, and those that contain more than one distinct family of transport paths (for example, natural rock with both pores and fractures). We report the results of extensive computer simulations of transport in such disordered media in which the heterogeneities are broadly distributed and contain long-range correlations. We show that, even for the type of disordered media that we consider in this paper, the wavelet-based method drastically reduces (by at least two orders of magnitude) the number of equations to be solved without neglecting any important information about the media’s morphology, hence providing highly accurate estimates of their transport properties. Thus, we conclude that the wavelet-based method is applicable to any disordered medium with any type of heterogeneities.

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tags: Wavelet transformation; Disordered media; Coarsening