Ternary derivable mappings on involutive Banach algebras

AuthorsMohsen Niazi
Conference Titleپنجاهمین کنفرانس ملی ریاضی کشور
Holding Date of Conference2019-09-22
Page number0-0
Conference LevelInternal Conferences


In this note we prove that a continuous linear mapping from a unital C$^*$-algebra $A$ into its dual space $A^*$ is a ternary derivation whenever it is ternary derivable at the unit of $A$. This is an improvement of the result which shows that any continuous linear mapping on a unital C$^*$-algebra $A$ which is ternary derivable at the unit of $A$, is a ternary derivation.

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tags: Jordan triple, ternary module, ternary derivation, generalized derivation