Effect of Dark Matter on Stars at the Galactic Center: The Paradox of Youth Problem

Authorsرضا پژوهش,ابراهیم حسنی,حسین عبادی
Page number۲۰۵۰۰۵۲-۲۰۵۰۰۶۵
Serial number۲۹
Volume number۸
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At۲۰۲۰
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexJCR


Stars that evolve near the Galactic massive black hole show strange behaviors. The spectroscopic features of these stars show that they must be old. However their luminosities are much higher than the amounts that are predicted by the current stellar evolutionary models, which means that they must be active and young. In fact, this group of stars shows signatures of old and young stars, simultaneously. This is a paradox known as the "paradox of youth problem" (PYP). Some people tried to solve the PYP without supposing dark matter effects on stars. However in this work, we implement Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) annihilation as a new source of energy inside these stars. This implementation is logical for stars that evolve at high dark matter density environments. The new source of energy causes the stars to follow different evolutionary paths on the H-R diagram in comparison with classical stellar evolutionary models. Increasing dark matter density in stellar evolutionary simulations causes deviations from the standard H-R diagrams becomes more pronounced. By investigating the effects of WIMPs density on stellar structures and evolutions, we conclud that by considering dark matter effects on stars at the Galactic center, it is possible to solve the PYP. In addition to dark matter effect, complete solutions to PYP must conclude all extreme and unique physical conditions that are common near the Galactic massive black hole.

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tags: dark matter; Paradox of Youth Problem; Galactic Center; Stellar Evolution; Galactic Massive Black Hole