Pedagogical knowledge management and its application in Medical education: A synthetic research study

AuthorsMohsen Ayati,Farshid Abedi
Journalfuture of medical education journal
Page number51-58
Serial number9
Volume number1
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2019
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal Indexisc


Background: Pedagogical knowledge management is the management of knowledge and experiences in teaching, assessment, learning theories, classroom management, and other areas of education. An analytical study of the literature can be helpful in understanding the pedagogical knowledge management approach. Thus, this study aims to perform a synthesis research on the efficacy of pedagogical knowledge management and to explain its applications and strategies. Methods: The method of this study is the qualitative research synthesis. Data was gathered through searching library resources, theses, and articles in the Google Scholar, Science Direct, SID, Springer, IEEE, and Eric databases. In order to search the domestic and foreign databases, keywords have been used without time limits. A total of 3227 published research papers were identified and 66 of them were selected for analysis. Results: The results of analyzing different studies showed that knowledge management is effective in the field of education and is widely used in the professional development of professors, lesson study, upgrading qualification, curriculum development, evidencebased education, lifelong learning, teaching design, and clinical reasoning. According to the results of the present research, among approaches regarding knowledge management in education are establishing learning communities, storytelling, knowledge management platforms such as wiki, web2, blogs, etc. Conclusion: The results of this study showed the widespread use of pedagogical knowledge management in all areas of education; therefore, identification and implementation of practical strategies such as virtual and real learning communities of professors, storytelling, and the establishment of thought rooms for the proper management of pedagogical knowledge are suggested.

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tags: Pedagogical Knowledge Management, Medical Education, Synthetic Research