Development of a contaminant concentration transport model for sulfate‑contaminated areas

AuthorsMohsen Pourreza-Bilondi,Abolfazl Akbarpour,,slim zekri
JournalApplied Water Science
Page number1-14
Serial number12
Volume number169
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2022
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexISI،Scopus


Groundwater pollution is one of the most important challenges for human. In many parts of the world, groundwater is used for agriculture and even drinking, whereas natural and human-made groundwater contaminants have also afected the quality of these waters. Therefore, monitoring and evaluating the quantity and quality of groundwater is very important. In this research, the efciency of fnite element method (FEM) for groundwater fow and Sulfate concentration transport modeling has been investigated for a 7-year period. After fnite element validation analysis, this method was employed in a hypothetical and real-case aquifer with regularly distributed nodes and square elements 200 m ×200 m. The mean error and root mean square error (RMSE) as performance criteria were used to evaluate the performance of the model. The results indicated that the FEM model with RMSE=1.06 (m) and 1.44 (me/lit) has good skills in groundwater fow and contaminant transport modeling, respectively. Also, the results of the FEM model indicated that in the northeast of the aquifer, the groundwater level is low and the amount of Sulfate is high (higher than the standard values recommended by) which is also confrmed by real data.

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tags: Contaminant transport · Finite element method · Groundwater fow · Hypothetical aquifer