The selection of an appropriate method for Gazik Granite Quarry mine using a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making method

AuthorsAhmad Aryafar,Mohammad Javanshirgiv,Mohsen Safari
JournalInternational Journal of Mining And Geo-Engineering
Page number67-74
Serial number56
Volume number1
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2022
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal Indexisc،Scopus


One of the crucial stages in the operation of quarry exploitation is the selection of an appropriate mining method because the lack of attention to this issue may bring about many problems in the process of mining, leading to extra charges incurred to the mine owner or the possible drop in the quality or quantity of the mine product. The adoption of the appropriate method of quarry mining, given the various interacting factors involved, requires a multi-criteria decision-making method. This paper makes use of the hybrid AHP-ELECTRE model to examine the conventional quarry mining methods including Diamond Wire Sawing, Blasting, Feathers, and Wedge as well as the expansive agents such as KATROCK and FRACT.AG in the granite quarry of Gazik located in the South Khorassan Province, taking into consideration various factors such as the gross profit increase, safety, quality, decrease of adverse environmental effects, wastage, and the reduction of mining time. In this model, the weights of the items were applied by the AHP method, and the items were assessed through non-rank comparisons so that, finally, the Diamond Sawing Blasting was chosen as the most appropriate method of Gazik granite quarry mining based on the ELECTRE model. Such studies can aid in managing the mining costs to decrease, which can lead to the profitability of the quarries

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tags: Mining method, Granite quarry, Multi-criteria decision-making, Hybrid AHP-ELECTRE model