The anti-dyslipidemia property of saffron petal hydroalcoholicextract in cardiovascular patients: A double-blinded randomized clinical trial

AuthorsTooba Kazemi,Vahideh Takhviji,Bita Bijari,Asghar Zarban,Zeynab Rostami,Reyhane Hoshyar
JournalClinical Nutrition ESPEN
Page number314-319
Serial number55
Volume number2023
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2023
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexISI،JCR،Scopus


Background and aims Dyslipidemia is one of the most important risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Despite developments in pharmacological treatments for dyslipidemia there are several challenges. Recently some herbs highly considered to control dyslipidemia due to their low toxicity and high potency. In this study we investigated the effects of saffron petals on the lipid profile of dyslipidemia patients as well as several other biochemical blood factors. Methods In this double blind, placebo controlled, clinical trial, we used systematic random sampling to divide 40 patients with at least two abnormalities in the following factors: (high-density lipoproteins (HDL) ≤40, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) ≥130, triglycerides (TG) ≥200, total cholesterol (Cho) ≥200), into 2 groups of 21 ones. At the end of the intervention period, serum lipid factors, alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), urea, creatinin (CR) and fasting blood sugar (FBS) were measured and statistically compared with their values just before the intervention. Results We found that the saffron petal pills markedly (P < 0.001) decreased the serum lipid levels of patients (TG, Cho and LDL) in the intervention group (113.81 ± 12.93, 56.52 ± 4.68 and 48.28 ± 3.70) as compared to the placebo group (18.42 ± 15.79, 4.57 ± 4.40 and 7.38 ± 3.54). Also, comparing the mean value of differences in two groups before and after the intervention showed significant reduction in TG (113.81 ± 26), Cho (56.53 ± 0.30) and LDL (48.28 ± 4.30) levels (P < 0.001). Conclusions The saffron petal pills considerably reduced blood serum lipid profile and as well as urea and CR of dyslipidemia patients. So, this plant may be used as a potent phytomedicine for treatment and prevention of dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disorders. However, the results indicated that no statistical change was observed in the level of other biochemical blood factors such as ALT, AST, ALP and FBS.

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tags: Dyslipidemia Cardiovascular disease Saffron petals Clinical trial