A nanoscopic icosahedral {Mo72Fe30} cluster catalyzes the aerobic synthesis of benzimidazoles

نویسندگانMaasoumeh Jafarpour
نشریهRSC Advances
شماره صفحات34854-34861
شماره سریال9
شماره مجلد60
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار2019
رتبه نشریهISI
نوع نشریهچاپی
کشور محل چاپایران
نمایه نشریهISI،JCR،Scopus

چکیده مقاله

In this study, the catalytic efficiency of amorphous {Mo72Fe30} nanocapsules as a safe Keplerate polyoxometalate in organic synthesis was exploited. The easy-made solid catalyst exhibited high efficiency using a very low dosage (0.02–0.05 mol%) in the catalyzed condensation of various aromatic 1,2-diamines and aldehydes for the aerobic synthesis of benzimidazoles with very small E-factor values (0.11–0.33). The superior catalytic activity of amorphous nanoclusters compared to that of its crystalline counterpart was demonstrated. The high activity and recyclability of heterogeneous catalysts in a green reaction media under oxygen atmosphere, make this environmentally benign organic process appropriate for our applied goals.

لینک ثابت مقاله

tags: {Mo72Fe30} nanocapsules ; Keplerate polyoxometalate; heterogeneous catalyst; benzimidazoles