Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
21Characterization of Barley yellow mosaic virus pathotype by biological and molecular methods in IranMehdi Jahani,salary khadije,mohsen mehrvarJordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences2017
22Notes on the genus Leveillula(Erysiphaceae) a new unrecorded species and notes on Leveillula infecting Ficus Cucurbita and Tropaeolum in IranKhodaparast Seyed Akbar,TAKAMATSU SUSUMU,Shadlou Adel,Damadi Mohsen,Pirnia Mehdi,Mehdi JahaniPhytotaxa2016
23Investigation on some plant compounds efficacy against early blight of potatoMehdi Jahani,moradzadeh mojtaba,afzali hamidAgricultural Communications2016
24Quality improvment and shelf life extension of fresh apricot fruit(Prunus Armenica cv. Shahroudi)using postharvest chemical treatments and packaging during cold storageMehdi JahaniInternational Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology2016
25Isolation and Identification of Fungal Species from Pin Trees in the East of IranAbbas Mohammadi,Saeed Moodi,Mehdi JahaniInternational Journal Of Agriculture And Biosciences2016
26Quality improvement and shelf life extension of fresh apricot fruit(prunus armeniaca cv. Shahroudi) using postharvest chemical treatments and packaging during cold storageMehdi JahaniInternational Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology2015
27Fusarium cf nygamai as a new entomopathogenic fungus infecting melon weevil(Acytopenus curvirostris persicus)Mehdi Jahani,,Buletin Teknologi Tanaman2015
28Phylogenetic relationship among Bipolaris species based on morphological and molecular variability in internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal DNARASHMI AGGARWAL,SHARMA SAPNA,GUPTA SANGEETA,Mehdi Jahani,BANERJEE SAGAR,SINGH VEER BAHADUR,BASHYAL BISHNU MAYA,SRINIVAS PETIKAMResearch Journal of Biotechnology2014
29Phylogenetic relation among Bipolaris species based on morphological and molecular variability in internal spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal DNARashmi Aggrwal,Sapna Sharma,Sangeeta Gupta,Mehdi Jahani,Sagar Banerjee,Veer Bahadur Singh,Bishun Maya Bashyal,Petikam SrinivasResearch Journal of Biotechnology2014
31Purification and Characterization of a Novel Toxin from Bipolaris sorokiniana Causing Spot Blotch of Wheat and Analysis of Variability in the PathogenMehdi Jahani,,,,CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS2014
32A survay of Fungal Contamination Associated with Barberry in IranMehdi Jahani,,,American Journal of Plant Sciences2013
33Antifangal effects of assafoetida seed essential oil on in vitro growth of five species of plant pathogenic fungiSohrab Mahmoodi,Soheil Parsa,Mehdi JahaniInternational Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences2013
34Studing the relationship between organophosphorus pesticides and cholinesterase enzyme level in pesticide sprayers in Birjand cityMehdi Jahani,,,,International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences2013
35First report of Aternaria necrosis of Berberis vulgaris in IranMehdi Jahani,,,International Journal of AgriScience2013
Showing 21-35 of 35 items.