مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۴۱Roads Impact Assessment on Wildlife Habitats Using Leopold Matrix for Mitigations: A Case Study in Darmian Protected AreaJahanishakib Fatemeh(Sustainable Earth Trends (Sustainable Earth Review2023
۴۲Accuracy and validity assessment of application algorithms in land use allocation into comparison LP, SA, MOLA and MDCHOICEJahanishakib Fatemeh,Tahere Ardakani,Maryam Saeed Sabaee,Abdolrassoul SalmanmahinyGeocarto International2022
۴۳Environmental impact assessment of tourism development in Lut desert using DPSIR and TOPSIS modelsJahanishakib Fatemehبیابان- Desert2022
۴۴Modeling tourists' environmental behaviors by structural equations: Towards tourism wise development in BirjandJahanishakib Fatemeh,Delaram BakhshiEnvironmental Resources Research2021
۴۵Hydrological connectivity assessment of landscape ecological network to mitigate development impactsJahanishakib Fatemeh,Abdolrassoul Salmanmahiny,Seyed Hamed Mirkarimi,Fatemeh PoodatJournal of Environmental Management2021
۴۶Vulnerability assessment of wetland landscape ecosystem services using driver-pressure-state-impact-response (DPSIR) modelJahanishakib Fatemeh,Malekmohammadi B.Ecological Indicators2017
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