Experimental analysis of a compressed air engine with semi-gear mechanism

AuthorsBehzad Omidi Kashani,
JournalInternational Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Page number1175-1193
Serial number7
Volume number4
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2022
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIndia
Journal IndexScopus


In this paper, a piston bidirectional compressed air engine with a semi-gear and rack mechanism in power transmission has been analyzed and investigated. In this structure, there are two reciprocating pistons in two opposite positions to produce power Therefore, there are two power courses in each rotation of the output shaft. In the power transmission mechanism, a rack gear and a semi gear have been used, so that the generating power is transferred to the rack gear through the reciprocating pistons and consequently to the semi gear and the output shaft. The new engine first designed and after confirming the stress analysis of the parts in the software, it was made and then launched using compressed air energy. The data of this engine has been collected and analyzed using sensors and electronic equipment. The results of this research include experimental analysis, thermodynamic analysis and simulation of this new engine. In the experimental results obtained from the performance of the mechanism in the form of a power generation engine, the average output speed of the engine at a relative pressure of 4.2 bar is 135 rpm, the engine output is equal to 495 watts. The results of engine analysis through the extracted relationships, modeling solution, Simulation in Software and experimental data also indicate the overlap and appropriate consistency of engine analysis.

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tags: Compressed air engine, rack mechanism, semi-gear mechanism, piston bidirectional engine.