Validity and reliability of a new non-invasive method for measuring the scoliosis deformity

AuthorsMohammad Yousefi,Zahra Ebrahimabadi,sanaz Shanbeh zadeh,alye daryabor
JournalSeries on Biomechanics
Page number18-26
Serial number37
Volume number2
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2023
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryBulgaria
Journal IndexScopus


The objective of the study was to assess the reliability and validity of a new non-invasive system for measuring scoliosis spinal angles in thoracic and lumbar region. Three raters independently measured 27 individuals with scoliotic deformity three times on each subject at a one-week interval. Validity was evaluated by assessing the correlation between the X-ray Cobb angle and new infrared method (Body Landmark Analyzer system (BLA)), and reliability (inter and intra rater) were investigated with raters 1-3. The results of the current study revealed excellent inter- (ICC: 0.81- 0.87) and intra-rater (ICC: 0.87-0.90) reliability for spinal curve angle measurement and high validity with Cobb angle measures of X-ray (ICC: 0.80-0.88) in thoracic region. The findings of this study showed that BLA system could provide a reliable, safe, and valid device to measure scoliotic curve angle

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tags: Validity, reliability, scoliosis, deformity, non-invasive method