CoFe2O4@SiO2@ Co (III) salen complex nanoparticle as a green and efficient magnetic nanocatalyst for the oxidation of benzyl alcohols by molecular O2

AuthorsMohammad ali Nasseri,Ali Allahresani
JournalApplied Organometallic Chemistry
Page number4809-4820
Serial number33
Volume number6
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2019
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexJCR،Scopus


In the presence of cobalt (III) salen complex, selective oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl compounds was studied by molecular oxygen using isobutyraldehyde as an oxygen acceptor. The effect of cobalt (III) salen complex in the oxidation reaction was studied, and the results showed that Co (III) salen complex is very active and selective in the oxidation of various alcohols. Also, the effect of important factors including catalyst amount, solvent and temperature was investigated on the reaction. Furthermore, the catalytic activities of CoFe2O4@SiO2‐supported Schiff base metal complex as well as the effect of molecular oxygen (O2) as a green oxidant were studied. The results showed that benzaldehyde was the major product and the heterogeneous catalyst was highly reusable.

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tags: benzyl alcohol, Co (III) salen complex, isobutyraldehyde, oxidation