A constructive approach to degenerate center problem

نشریهInternational Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
شماره صفحات247-266
شماره سریال12
شماره مجلد3
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار2022
نوع نشریهچاپی
کشور محل چاپسوئیس
نمایه نشریهScopus

چکیده مقاله

Abstract:We give a constructive approach to the degenerate center problem. First, we consider homogeneous polynomial systems and provide various conditions for which the origin is a center. Then, by using the Poincare coefficients in polar coordinate, we complete a rigorous computation such that the nonhomogeneous system perturbed by lower terms has an annular region surrounding the origin. This enables us to show that a degenerate center may be the limit of a linear center, a nilpotent singularity, and even a hyperbolic saddle point. Finally, we provide sufficient conditions such that the origin is a degenerate center for a nonhomogeneous system. The system may be of even degree, so we have degenerate centers of even degree, which are rare.

لینک ثابت مقاله

tags: center problem; degenerate center; Poincare map; polynomial