Effect of mutations on stochastic dynamics of infectious diseases, a probability approach

نویسندگانLeila Soleimani
نشریهApplied Mathematics and Computation
شماره صفحات1-15
شماره سریال451
شماره مجلد1
ضریب تاثیر (IF)1.738
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار2023
رتبه نشریهISI
نوع نشریهچاپی
کشور محل چاپایران
نمایه نشریهJCR،Scopus

چکیده مقاله

We present a stochastic SIV model affected by random mutations. In addition to the stochastic structure of the model, the parameters and equilibria of the model are also stochastic processes. Therefore, the stability of the system changes randomly over time. Our goal is to provide a computational approach to system probabilities. Based on the stochastic behavior of the model, we give a definition to evaluate the success of the vac- cination plan (Definition 3.3). In addition, we assess the chance of success by calculating model distributions, probabilities, and the mathematical expectation of the number of in- fected people (Theorem 3.6). Finally, we simulate the results to assess the likelihood of the extinction of COVID-19.

لینک ثابت مقاله

tags: Stochastic SIV; model Random mutation; Infectious disease; Vaccination