Bivariate Simulation of Potential Evapotranspiration Using Copula‑GARCH Model

نویسندگانMohammad Nazeri Tahroudi,Carlo De Michele,Rasoul Mirabbasi
نشریهWater Resources Management
شماره صفحات1-18
شماره سریال36
شماره مجلد1
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار2022
رتبه نشریهISI
نوع نشریهچاپی
کشور محل چاپایران
نمایه نشریهJCR،Scopus

چکیده مقاله

Developing statistical period and simulating the required values in case of data shortage increases certainty and reliability of simulations and statistical analyses, which is very important in studies on hydrology and water resources. Therefore, in this study, for simulating values of potential evapotranspiration at Birjand Station located in eastern Iran, contemporaneous autoregressive moving average (CARMA), CARMA-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH), and Copula-GARCH models were used in statistical period of 1984–2019. The potential evapotranspiration and relative humidity time series were simulated using these three models. CARMA model has acceptable accuracy for simulating potential evapotranspiration values due to the effect of the second parameter on simulations. Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) coefficient of CARMA model for simulating potential evapotranspiration values was estimated as 0.85. NSE coefficient of CARMA-GARCH model was obtained as 0.87 through extracting residuals of CARMA model and simulating variance of data using GARCH model. Comparing the CARMA and CARMA-GARCH models with each other, it was concluded that a combination of two linear and non-linear time series models increases simulation accuracy to some extent. Using Clayton copula (the selected copula from the studied copulas), the mentioned values were simulated by Copula-GARCH model. The results showed that among the three models used, Copula-GARCH model reduced root mean square error of bivariate simulation compared to CARMA and CARMA-GARCH models by 15 and 13%, respectively. The results also showed that the proposed model simulates the average, first, and third quarters and range of changes in the data by 5 and 95% better than the two CARMA and CARMA-GARCH models.

لینک ثابت مقاله

tags: ARCH models · CARMA model · Conditional heteroskedasticity · Clayton · Simulation