Interaction of counterstreaming rotating electron-positron beams with inhomogeneous electron-ion plasma

AuthorsSeyed mohammadd Khorashadizadeh,Sara Abbasi,
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Page number921071-921079
Serial number26
Volume number9
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2019
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexJCR،Scopus


The interaction occurring between two counterstreaming rotating electron-positron beams and an inhomogeneous magnetized electron-ion plasma is studied with the focus of research on either positrons or electrons propagating in the direction of the magnetic field. Using the Vlasov theory along with geometrical optics, the linear eikonal equation corresponds to the gradient drift wave which is extracted in the background plasma, taking into account the beam contribution. The results reveal that the gradient drift instability is experienced where the gradients of density and temperature of electrons stand in the opposite directions, and in addition, the gradients act as destabilization effects. Regarding the beam contribution, when the electron beams propagate in the direction of the magnetic field, the parallel and perpendicular components of velocity and the Langmuir frequency of the rotating beams can induce stabilization effects on the unstable inhomogeneous configuration. However, as a considerable achievement, the mentioned stabilization effects vanish for the perpendicular velocity component lower than a certain threshold value. In addition, the destabilization effects of the characteristic parameters of the counterstreaming beams are observed as well, when the positron beams propagate in the direction of the magnetic field.

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tags: inhomogeneous, rotating beams, counterstreaming