Hossein Barani


DegreeGraduated inMajorUniversity
BSc2002Fiber Science and Textile Chemical EngineeringIsfahan University of Technology
MSc2004Fiber Science and Textile Chemical EngineeringAmirKabir University of Technology
Ph.D2011Fiber Science and Textile Chemical EngineeringAmirKabir University of Technology

Employment Information

Faculty/DepartmentPosition/RankEmployment TypeCooperation TypeGrade
Faculty of Art - University of BirjandFaculty DeanTenuredFull Time20

Work Experience

 Associate Professor(2011– present) University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

Guest Researcher, (June 2018- August 2018) University of Cologne, Germany

Assistant Professor, (October 2011– 2015)  University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

Guest Researcher, (2011- January to July) EFSM Group, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

Guest Researcher, (2011- May) Polymer Interface Group, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Germany

 Instructor, (2005-2008) Textile Department, Islamic Azad university- Birjand Branch, Birjand, Iran

  • 2018 Distinguish Researcher of University of Birjand 
  • 2017 Distinguish Researcher of University of Birjand
  • 2015 Distinguish Assistant Professor of University of Birjand
  • 2014 Distinguish Researcher of University of Birjand
  • 2014 Distinguish Researcher of Art Department



  • Synthesizing of silver,
  • Antibacterial properties of textiles,
  • Chemical and physical surface modification of fibers,
  • Applied sol-gel on textiles,
  • Optimization of dyeing procedure

Natural Dyeing, Chemical Dyeing, Fiber Science, Applied Chemistry 

Research Activities


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