Papers in Journals
# | Paper Title | Authors | Journal | Published At |
1 | A scheme associated to modules over commutative rings | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Communications in Algebra | 2024 |
2 | The q.Zariski topology on the quasi-primary spectrum of a ring | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi,Mahdi Samiei | Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica | 2021 |
3 | مدولهایی که مشبکه زیرمدولهای رادیکال آنها نوتری است | حسین فضائلی مقیمی,میلاد حکیمی قلعه صفا | پژوهش های ریاضی Mathematical Researches | 2024 |
4 | ON THE DISTRIBUTIVITY OF THE LATTICE OF RADICAL SUBMODULES | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center | 2023 |
5 | MAPPINGS BETWEEN THE LATTICES OF VARIETIES OF SUBMODULES | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | journal of algebra and related topics | 2022 |
6 | The Radical-Zariski Topology on the Radical Spectrum of Modules | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Filomat | 2022 |
7 | On the Zariski topology over the primary-like spectrum | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi,Fatemeh Rashedi | Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics | 2022 |
8 | Mappings between the lattices of saturated submodules with respect to a prime ideal | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | 2021 |
9 | On fractional n-absorbing ideals of integral domains | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Jangjeon Mathematical Society. Proceedings | 2020 |
10 | PRIMARY ZARISKI TOPOLOGY ON THE PRIMARY SPECTRUM OF A MODULE | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi,Homa Bijari,Kazem Kashyarmanesh | Journal of Algebraic Systems | 2020 |
11 | Complete homomorphisms between the lattices of radical submodules | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Mathematical Reports | 2018 |
12 | Radical-Depended Graph of a Commutative Ring | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series | 2018 |
13 | Homogeneous idealization and some dual notions around comultiplication modules | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis | 2018 |
14 | Generalized quasi-primary rings | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics-Kyungshang | 2018 |
15 | Saturations of submodules with respect to subsets of a ring | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Proyecciones | 2018 |
16 | Modules whose primary-like spectra with the Zariski-like topology are Noetherian spaces | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 2017 |
17 | Primary-like submodules and a scheme over the primary-like spectrum of modules | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Miskolc Mathematical Notes | 2017 |
18 | On (m n)-absorbing ideals of commutative rings | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Sciences | 2017 |
19 | Whwn the mapping carrying submodules to their radicals is a lattice homomorphism | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 2017 |
20 | Quasi-Zariski topology on the quasi-primary spectrum of a module | Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi | jordan journal of mathematics and statistics | 2017 |
Showing 1-20 of 36 items.