Mahmoodi Sohrab


DegreeGraduated inMajorUniversity
BSc1995Agronomy and Plant BreedingFerdowsi University of Mashhad
MSc1998AgronomyUniversity of Tehran
Ph.D2003Crop EcologyUniversity of Tehran

Employment Information

Faculty/DepartmentPosition/RankEmployment TypeCooperation TypeGrade
Department of Agronomy and Plant BreedingAssociate ProfessorTenuredFull Time27

Work Experience

Head of Department, Dept. of Agronomy & Plant Breeding (2005-2008 & 2012-2019)

Head of Research Green House, Faculty of Agriculture (2012-2018)

Founder and Chief of Field Research Laboratory. Faculty of Agriculture


Crop ecology

Ecology of agricultural systems

Ecology of intercropping

Modelling of crop growth and development

Statistical designs in agricultureal science

Physiology of weed-crop intractions 


Research Activities

Director-in-Charge, Journal of Crop Production in Harsh Environments (CPHE)

Editoral Board, Journal of Crop Production in Harsh Environments

Editorial Board, Journal of Saffron Research

Editoral Board, Journal of Seed Ecophysiology


Member of Iranian Weed Research Society (IWRS)

Member of Crop Science Society of Iran (CSSI)


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