Thermo-economic-environmental analysis of a new tri-generation seasonal updates system with gas tnrbine prime mover based on nmnicipal solid waste gasification

AuthorsBehzad Omidi Kashani,
JournalEnergy Conversion and Management
Page number1-23
Serial number265
Volume number1
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2022
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeElectronic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal IndexJCR،Scopus


To protect environment, proper use of municipal solid waste (MSW) is necessaiy atrd it ireeds to iirtrodnce trew seasonal tri-generation systems to produce power, cooling, atrd heating witlr gas tnrbiire prime mover. Tire fuel is supplied by gasificatiotr of MSW. Here, to improve tire gasificatioir process, tire dryer arrd prelreater- of tire gasificatiorr agerrt are nsed, so tlrat all tlreir- required etrergies are supplied frorrr itrside tire systerrr. Tire desigrr atrd validatiorr of tri-generation systerrrs lrave beerr dorre for tlrree different arrrbierrt corrditiorrs, snclr as: tire coldest day of tire year, tire cold seasons arrd tire wartrr seasotrs of tire year-. For tire coldest day of tire year" witlr Gas Tnrbine Based Systerrr (GTBS), tire Energy Utilization Factor- (EUF) atrd exergy efficietrcy are 47.62% arrd 20.42%, respectively. Irr additiotr, tire lowest total cost rate is related to GTBS itr tire cold seasorr as 106.8 $/h. From thermo-environmental view poirrt, tire GTBS prevents tire release of 9233 totrs of carbon dioxide irrto tire atrrrosplrere, arrrrrtally. Also irr tire cnrrent work, a pararrretric stndy Iras beerr performed to fitrd tire effects of important decisiotr parameters srtclr as tire temperature of tire exlrarrst gases from tire corrrbrrstiorr clratrrbet" and tire temperature of tire gasifier- orr different evalrratiorr parameters. Tire parametric strrdy slrows tlrat by increasing tire gasifier" temperature arrd irrlet gas temperature of GT, tire EUF increases arrd tire exergy efficierrcy arrd cost rate of tire wlrole systerrr decrease.

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tags: Seasonal study, Gasification, Dryer, Municipal Solid Waste, Thermo-economic-environmental analysis