CHAC1 as a novel biomarker for distinguishing alopecia from other dermatological diseases and determining its severity

نویسندگانMohammad GhasemiGol,Hassan Karami,Samira Nomiri,Niloufar Mehrvarzian,Afshin Derakhshani,Mohammad Fereidouni,Masoud Mirimoghaddam,Hossein Safarpour
نشریهIET systems biology
شماره صفحات173-185
شماره سریال16
شماره مجلد5
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار2022
نوع نشریهچاپی
کشور محل چاپایران
نمایه نشریهJCR،Scopus

چکیده مقاله

Alopecia Areata (AA) is characterised by an autoimmune response to hair follicles (HFs) and its exact pathobiology remains unclear. The current study aims to look into the molecular changes in the skin of AA patients as well as the potential underlying molecular mechanisms of AA in order to identify potential candidates for early detection and treatment of AA. We applied Weighted Gene Co‐expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) to identify key modules, hub genes, and mRNA–miRNA regulatory networks associated with AA. Furthermore, Chi2 as a machine‐learning algorithm was used to compute the gene importance in AA. Finally, drug‐target construction revealed the po- tential of repositioning drugs for the treatment of AA. Our analysis using four AA data sets established a network strongly correlated to AA pathogenicity based on GZMA, OXCT2, HOXC13, KRT40, COMP, CHAC1, and KRT83 hub genes. Interestingly, machine learning introduced these genes as important in AA pathogenicity. Besides that, using another ten data sets, we showed that CHAC1 could clearly distinguish AA from similar clinical phenotypes, such as scarring alopecia due to psoriasis. Also, two FDA‐ approved drug candidates and 30 experimentally validated miRNAs were identified that affected the co‐expression network. Using transcriptome analysis, suggested CHAC1 as a potential diagnostic predictor to diagnose AA.

لینک ثابت مقاله

tags: alopecia areata, drug repositioning, machine learning, molecular pathogenicity, transcriptome analysis, WGCNA