Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
1A constructive approach to degenerate center problem_International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations2022
2پایداری و بقا در یک مدل ریاضی از تاثیر متقابل منابع آبی و جمعیت بر یکدیگرامید ربیعی مطلق,حاجی محمد محمدی نژادمدل سازی پیشرفته ریاضی2021
3روش عددی برای یک کلاس از معادله کسری انتگرال-دیفرانسیل کسری مرتبه متغیر با مشتقات کسری آتانگانا- بالینو-کاپوتوحاجی محمد محمدی نژاد,حسن خسرویمدل سازی پیشرفته ریاضی2021
4Mathematical analysis for oncolytic virotherapy_Rivista di Matematica della Universita di Parma2021
5Oscillations on one dimensional time dependent center manifolds: algebraic curves approach_Collectanea Mathematica2021
6Families of Bounded Solutions Near Perturbed Homoclinics of R.D.E.s with Symmetric Eigenvalues, Application to Retarded Power-Law Oscillations_Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society2021
7Permanency in predator-prey models of Leslie type with ratio-dependent simplified Holling type-IV functional response_Mathematics and computers in simulation2019
8On The decomposition of operators with several almost-invariant subspaceFarzaneh Mohamad aliBulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society2018
9A mathematical approach to effects of CTLs on cancer virotherapy in the second injection of virus the second injection of virus_Journal of Theoretical Biology2018
10INVARIANT SPACES FOR BOUNDED LINEAR OPERATORSFarzaneh Mohamad aliAustralian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications2018
11A system of planar piecewise isometric systems and codings of these systems_International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics2017
12Control of bifurcation in internet model with timedelay_Applied and Computational Mathematics2016
13Hopf bifurcation analysis and design of hybrid control for growth model with delay_International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics2016
14Hopf bifurcation control of ecological model via PD controller_Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics2016
15Application of dynamical systems in cancer therapy_global analysis and discrete mathematics2016
16Stability analysis of mathematical model of virus therapy for cancer_Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics2016
17Hopf bifurcation analysis------_jordan journal of mathematics and statistics2016
18Hopf bifurcation analysis in a system for cancer virotherapy with effect of the immune system_jordan journal of mathematics and statistics2016
19Hopf bifurcation analysis in a delayed system for cancer virotherapy_Indagationes Mathematicae2016
20Patterns of Pandemic in a two stages SIRS model with a public health program_International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics2015
Showing 1-20 of 32 items.