Modeling the Factors Affecting the Relative share of Sporting Brands in Mashhad Market

AuthorsMohammad Ali Sahebkaran,Amir Dadrasmoghadam,Seyed Khosrou Etezad,Ali Barbaar,Mohammad Ghorbani
JournalJournal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research
Page number63-69
Serial number10
Volume number4
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2020
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIndia
Journal IndexScopus


The purpose of the present study is to model the factors affecting the relative demand (share) of sports brands in the Mashhad market using the GFA method. The research sample consisted of 140 sports stores in Mashhad using a simple random sampling method. The information needed for this research was collected from 140 sports stores through a questionnaire in 2019. The studied variables included 69 independent variables affecting the share of sports brands. It was determined by the method of genetic algorithm function approximation which factors affect the share of Nike, Adidas, and other brands. The results of modeling showed that with the increase in the number of customers, the share of Nike sports brands increased. Nike’s advertisement has hurt Nike’s sports brand share in the Mashhad market. The preferred value of Puma’s brand has increased the share of the Nike brand in the Mashhad market. The Adidas brand share has affected the average of Adidas' purchase price. The more the price of Nike increases, the more the share of Adidas brand decreases. The preferred value of the Asics brand has a positive relationship with Adidas in terms of diversity. Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested that the Nike brand should pay special attention to the diversity issue to increase its share in the Mashhad market. Also, to increase their shares in the Mashhad market, the brands in addition to price and diversity should consider the number of sales, education, preferred value, and advertising.

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tags: Relative Demand, share of brand, Nike, Adidas, GFA, diversity, price