Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
41Joint Parameter and State Estimation Based on Marginal Particle Filter and Particle Swarm Optimization_Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing2017
42Design an Adaptive Kalman Filter for INS/GPS based navigation for a vehicular systemSeyed-Hamid ZahiriInternational Journal of Computer Science and Information Security2016
43Improved FastSLAM2.0 using ANFIS and PSO_Automatika Journal for Control Measurement Electronics Computing and Communications2016
44Robust SLAM SLAM base on hbox H _ infty H square root unscented Kalman filter_Nonlinear Dynamics2016
45Particle Filter-Based SLAM from Localization Viewpoint_International Journal of Humanoid Robotics2015
46Unscented H-infinity filtering based simultaneous localization and mapping with evolutionary resampling_Journal of the Franklin Institute2015
47Robust evolutionary particle filter_ISA Transactions2015
48An optimization based approach to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping,International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems2014
49A Square Root Unscented FastSLAM with Improved Proposal Distribution and Resampling,,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics2014
Showing 41-49 of 49 items.