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عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
Application of ZnO Nanoparticles for Inducing Callus in Tissue Culture of Rapeseedبین المللی نانو علم و فناوری - International Journal of NanoScience and NanotechnologySeyed Mousa Mousavi-Kouhi,Lahouti Mehrdad
Morphological and physiological responses of two common bean cultivars to drought stressفرآیند و کارکرد گیاهیSeyed Mousa Mousavi-Kouhi,Rasti Sani Masoumeh,Ganjeali Ali,Lahouti Mehrdad
Alleviation of Salinity Stress by Vermicompost Extract: A Comparative Study on Five Fennel LandracesCommunications in Soil Science and Plant AnalysisSeyed Mousa Mousavi-Kouhi,Beykkhormizi Abdollah,Moshtaghioun Seyed Mohammad,Sarafraz Ardakani Mohammad Reza,Sarghein Siavash Hosseini
بررسی تنوع ژنتیکی اکوتیپهای زیرهسبز خراسان با استفاده از نشانگرهای پروتئینیتحقیقات ژنتیک و اصلاح گیاهان مرتعی و جنگلی ایرانعلی ایزانلو,محمد ضابط,آتنا رحیمی,زهره علیزاده
A modified flux-wave formula for the solution of one-dimensional Euler equations with gravitational source termIranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization_
طبقه¬بندی شورایی تطبیقی پوشش اراضی با استفاده از تصاویر پلاریمتریک راداری و قاعده ترکیب پیشنهادیرادارحسن فرسی,رضا صالح
استفاده از مفاهیم بازاریابی در ارائه خدمات کتابخانه های عمومی مرور نظامندکتابداری و اطلاع رسانیلیلی سیفی,راضیه کاظمی رنانی
Checklist of the family Noctuidae in great Khorasan province, North-east IranEntomofaunaMohammad Mahdi Rabieh
First record of Caradrina (Eremodrina) turcomana Hacker, 2004 for Iran with a catalogue of the genus Caradrina Ochsenheimer, 1816 of Iran (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)Iranian Journal of Animal BiosystematicsMohammad Mahdi Rabieh,Shahreyari-Nejad Somayeh,Esfandiari Mehdi,Rasekh Arash,Mossadegh Mohammad Saeed,Shirvani Ali Asghar
ارزیابی کیفی آب زیرزمینی دشت سرایان با استفاده از شاخص کیفی WQIآبیاری و زهکشی ایرانمهدی دستورانی,فرشته بهرامی
Analytical, numerical and experimental study of energy absorption of graded honeycomb structure under in-plane low velocity impactمهندسی مکانیک مدرسسعید حدیدی مود,کدخدایان مهران,گله داری سید علی
Application of the GTN Model in Ductile Fracture Prediction of 7075-T651 Aluminum AlloyJournal of Solid MechanicsHosseini S Farhad
The assessment of Elastic Follow-up effects on strain accumulation due to creep and plasticityمهندسی مکانیک مدرسسعید حدیدی مود,شریعتی محمود,ذبیحی حمید
Analytical, experimental and numerical study of a graded honeycomb structure under in-plane impact load with low velocityInternational Journal of CrashworthinessGalehdari S.A.,Kadkhodayan M.
Low velocity impact and quasi-static in-plane loading on a graded honeycomb structure; experimental, analytical and numerical studyAerospace Science and TechnologyGalehdari S.A.,Kadkhodayan M.
Elastic-plastic analysis of pressure vessels and rotating disks made of functionally graded materials using the isogeometric approachJournal of Theoretical and Applied MechanicsHassani Behrooz,Kalali Amir T.
The effect of parameterization on isogeometric analysis of free-form curved beamsActa MechanicaHassani Behrooz,Hosseini Seyed Farhad,Moetakef-Imani Behnam
Elasto-Plastic Stress Analysis in Rotating Disks and Pressure Vessels Made of Functionally Graded MaterialsLatin American Journal of Solids and StructuresHassani Behrooz,Kalali Amir T.
The Assessment of Elastic Follow-Up Effects on Cyclic Accumulation of Inelastic Strain Under Displacement-Control LoadingIranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Mechanical EngineeringFerezqi Hamid Zabihi,Shariati Mahmoud
Influence of combined impact and cyclic loading on the overall fatigue life of forged steel, EA4TJournal of Mechanical Science and TechnologyFarhangdoost Kh.,Malekzadeh A.